Where The Water Begins
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About the book: Where the Water Begins refers to the origin, the root, the remembering of the incident itself while understanding the fluidity of memory. Where the water begins asks where we started, where we first learned about loss, where we inherited our grieving processes from, where our forefathers and foremothers learned from, and what we may unconsciously carry in the currents of our blood. Who were you before this troubling event? What within the core of you changed? If you could go back to the root, would you? Or, is your memory of your past self also inaccurate, fluid, making you homesick for a time that never exists, for a you that never was?
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About Me
Photo by Eleanor Crowley
Kimberly Casey was born and raised in Massachusetts, though she now calls Huntsville, Alabama home. She is the Founder and President of Out Loud Huntsville, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring community outreach and activism through written and spoken word. Kimberly is the Poetry Editor for Passengers Journal. She received her MFA from Pacific University in 2021. Kimberly was a member of the 2017 Out Loud HSV Slam Team and coach of the 2017 and 2018 Out Loud HSV Slam Teams. Kimberly has competed at Southern Fried, CUPSI, Texas Grand Slam, and more. Through Out Loud HSV and independently, Kimberly hosts and organizes a wide array of literary events such as youth poet meet-ups, storytelling events, workshops on craft, performance workshops, and everything in between. She is the Editor for the Out Loud HSV: A Year in Review anthology, and she serves on the board of the Alabama Writers Forum. When not performing, hosting, or teaching, Kimberly can be found rock climbing, or hiking with her two dogs.